The following is an actual email exchange between myself and a business associate. I love my job. Darel Parker wrote: The difference between free…
Just because I said please doesn't mean I'm asking
The following is an actual email exchange between myself and a business associate. I love my job. Darel Parker wrote: The difference between free…
I can still remember the tint of blue, the orange flag, and the banana seat of my first bicycle. A boy’s Free Spirit from Sears. It was 1977 and almost everything we owned was from Sears.
I can’t remember why my dad bought me that bike. Christmas had passed and my birthday was still months away. But I can still remember the feeling of independence, of freedom as I cruised through the trailer park in Mission, Texas that for a short while we called home.
An open letter to the MPAA and the DVD industry.
My kids love Strawberry Shortcake. They have every single Strawberry Shortcake DVD released so far. The animation is decent enough, the kids find the stories entertaining, and for about ten bucks, I’ve always felt like I’ve gotten my money’s worth when I bought one.
As with many other DVDs, the Strawberry Shortcake series starts with the requisite previews and commercials before the root menu appears. It’s annoying, but I’ve gotten used to it since my kids usually want to watch the previews anyway.
But, when I brought home the most recent release, I was fucking furious a little surprised that the first thing on the screen was a flashy PSA denouncing video piracy and comparing it to stealing DVDs. WTF?
The photos from Holy Spirit’s Pre-K graduation and party are now online. For your convenience, you can add your favorite photos to your cart and…
This article has been moved here Link to this post!
Eyore’s Birthday in Austin, TX. I believe this was shot in 1999 on a Hi-8 camera, hence the “quality”. birthday.wmv Link to this post!
Please ignore the weird format thingy that happens when you click on the pictures. I’m still tweaking the Falbum plugin and apparently it hates me.…
A funny thing happened when I moved to my new colocation server. Well, not so much funny as disturbing and deceptive. After changing the…
[audio:] Link to this post!
Good question. For the time being, I’m setting up a photo album on Flickr but I might move my pics to a new Coppermine installation.…
So…Â You’ve found my website. Now what? Link to this post!