Apparently, the Google Street View car drove through our neighborhood a few months ago. You have no idea how relieved I am that my yard…
Just because I said please doesn't mean I'm asking
Apparently, the Google Street View car drove through our neighborhood a few months ago. You have no idea how relieved I am that my yard…
Hurricane Dolly has come and gone, and aside from the wind, rain, and noise, not much happened here. During the storm, the electricity went out…
The Jaguar X-Type hasn’t changed much since it was introduced in 2002. In fact even a Jaguar enthusiast would be hard pressed to tell the difference between an original year model vehicle and a brand new car, that is until you get to the grill. Along with new color choices, the 2008 model X-Type sports a Bright Mesh Grill, which adds a sporty touch and provides one of the only visual cues to distinguish the new model.
But if you’ve got a few bucks in your bank account, and have about an hour to spare, you can update your X-Type’s grill, and leave your friends and neighbors wondering where you got all that money for a “new” Jaguar.
Don’t be intimidated by this do-it-yourself project. The installation is relatively easy and even the least mechanically inclined among us should be able to get through it without much trouble. If not, you may want to get rid of your Jaguar altogether and think seriously about not driving at all. It is rather complicated, what with all the buttons and pedals and such.
I hope you enjoy this Jaguar wallpaper that I put together in Corel Photopaint. The wallpaper is sized for 1440×900 pixel widescreen desktops. Credit…
The first day I had my Jaguar X-Type, I noticed the sunroof wouldn’t close completely. The glass panel would slide forward, but wouldn’t lift into…
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I read this today and thought it was rather amusing. Then I realized it’s basically true. I hate people. I’m here to tell you about…
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What you see below is my trusty Dodge Durango pwning a Geo Prism that tried to dart across oncoming traffic to get from the mall…
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR. Link to this post!
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