I hope you enjoy this Jaguar wallpaper that I put together in Corel Photopaint. The wallpaper is sized for 1440×900 pixel widescreen desktops. Credit goes to Ebin for the original carbon fiber wallpaper design.
Click to download (1440×900 PNG)

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Hi Darel,
Can you put me together a banner using the same effects for my website? Exactly the same as the jaguar wall paper, but in a banner size, in the same font, saying DPMASTERS or DARK POWER or DARKPOWERMASTERS?
Speak soon, my number is 01765 650398 or email above.
All the best,
Ollie Metcalfe
As a new owner of a ’99 XK8 Coupe I was strolling the net and came upon your delightful site. Thanks so much and good luck in all you do!
Your logo looks terrific on my laptop!
Steven B.
wow! this is stunning. stopped me in my tracks. nice work
I’ve got quite a few similar designs with various automotive logos (Bentley, Rolls Royce, Ferrari, etc.). I’ll try to put those up sometime soon.
stunning wallpaper.
Thx. Very nice background for my mac desktop and keeps me remembering what’s in my garage 😉
How did you go about the 3D Jaguar please. Was it a proper 3D program or plug-ins in PSD? Nice work there1
Actually, the 3D style Jaguar logo is available as a vector graphic from http://www.brandsoftheworld.com
Hi Darel,
super idea youre having here.any problems from Jaguar using their logo?
Im having a similar idea for a livingroom desktop item (lamp) with the Jaguar logo in it. Will try to put on the market.
See any legal problems with that?
As a general rule, the use of a trademark or logo as an artistic element in an original artwork is acceptable under the protection of fair use. The use a trademark or logo as a feature of a commercial product would likely not be granted that same protection. Consumer goods bearing an unlicensed trademark would, under most circumstances, be regarded as counterfeit.
There are of course exceptions, and many manufacturers tend to look the other way if those products are not damaging the quality of their brand. One such exception would be products created from materials or components recovered from an existing product. For example if your lamp incorporates authentic pieces of an actual Jaguar automobile, then I would think you shouldn’t have any problems. Of course, I don’t speak for Jaguar’s legal department so please check with an attorney. Good luck.