Like any respectable pandemic, the Swine Flu – or Piggy Plague as I like to call it – has made its way to America. As of this morning, there are 40 confirmed cases in the United States, and the CDC says that their investigation and response is ongoing. If my memory serves me correctly, that’s basically the opening scene to almost every zombie movie ever made.
Fortunately, Google has created this handy infection tracker to help you keep an eye on new infections as they emerge, and plan your subsequent escape from the zombie hordes.
Look, it’s only a matter of time before the Zombie Apocalypse begins, so get your weapons ready now. Remember, the only good zombie is a dead zombie. Now I know you must be asking yourself “how do you kill something that’s already dead?”, but if there’s anything I’ve learned from video games and movies, it’s that head shots work best.
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